Thursday, June 7, 2012

An Update

well I accidentally stumbled here so I may as well say something......for which I must have something to say first. Fine I shall lists them:
1) December 27th, 2011 (all I shall say on that)
3)Braces hurt like crazy. I cannot even chew left now
4)I am always left, nothing is ever right
5) Potato soup is WAYYYYY better than potato stew
                       (I'm just saying)

Monday, February 13, 2012


yeah, this is really late but i got Xbox LIVE for Christmas an ive been playing Gear3 most all da time (that sounds literate)

gamertag: foboverlord

you should come game with me

Monday, December 19, 2011


I was playing Gears of War (first one) and after 3rd try I (accidentally) killed General RAAM (WHOOOO)
and I only have 4 more levels on GOW3 until I get to level 30 and unlock Classic Baird >.<

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Energy derives from both the plus and negative...

song's like this remind me why I love them so much.... ( ) (hope it works...)

wow... so I was playing CTL(Capture The Leader) in a 15 match game....All but 2....I captured Queen Myrrah and snaped her freaking neck 13 times...I felt so revengeful , the two times were b/c I was the leader and had no guts but on the last one....yeah.....OWNED her so freaking hard....
I really want to get to level 30 though, I REALLY REALLY want to unlock Classic Baird. I'm level 22, so a few more thousand XP and I unlock Classic Cole.
 speaking of Cole, how come Marcus Fenix calls him GUS in the first game...he never called Baird something cool, like (uhhhhhhh....) Private Baird....(lol I was so happy when he got promoted to Corporal...he was so mad though when Fenix became Sergeant again and I nerded all over the floor, I swear I died laughing.....)*sigh*

Monday, December 5, 2011


Tobuscus (a.k.a. Toby "Tobuscus" Turner) is going to be in SMILEY WHEEEEEWWWWW!!!!
So happy <3333333 yay

I love Damon Baird from Gears...I mean yeah, he is SUCH a jerk but ya know what?/ He IS AWESOME!!!!
He was more hilarious in the first game though.....I am trying to finish and kill RAAM but single player is HARD.....
But that might be because I haven't played it in oh so many years.....

Different subject now:
So I really want to play Assassin's Creed 2 but my friend won't let me borrow it and I'm too dirt poor(not really) to buy it yet she came over the other day and let me see Assassin's Creed: Revelations intro and play for a bit and nerd ALL OVER my Xbox... and TV...and floor...
so now I really want to play as Ezio but I can only be Altair (not so bad but I'm not to big a fan of extra to it I guess, I don't know) and I am ALMOST DONE I just have to kill Sibrand and the last guy and I will OFFICIALLY be done with the game(can't wait)
It is such a long game though....I have been playing since June D=

Okay....I think I am good for another week....
Oh, one more thing:
If kevjumba doesn't post a video in the next few days, I don't care WHERE HE IS, I will seriously hate his adorable self forever and ever.....

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Yeah, It's been awhile

So (what news do I have today???) uhhhhhhh

Well my friend got me into this band called Set It Off and I really like them but for some reason she doesn't think I do....
Oh and seeing as it is November, it is officiallyNano month, meaning I have about 29 days left to write a I'll be telling you the progress of it eventually when I start it...
One last thing, I never thought it would be so hard to write a verse and chorus for a Chrismahannaquanzika (all the winter holidays majorly celebrated) but it is....I just want to write the twelve days of a resident evil christmas but noo.....and I found out from Tobuscus (a youtuber) that (and I quote) you can say GOD DANGIT even though it's using God's name in vain SO LONG AS God is in all caps.....amazing

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's So Sad

It's been weeks (somewhat) since I've first played Gears of War and I still cry when Baird finds out Dom died.
And I don't know why but I've been listening to this alot lately:

it's so true, but I'm not a guy so....